Wednesday 9 March 2016


While exploring the theme of journeys i came across these two artist, both work very differently but i think they could influence my development stage and how i go about composing my final illustration.

The first artist is Gregory Euclide. He produces these pieces from used material and found objects during his everyday life. His main focus is on the landscape and creating this juxtaposed space with raised and flat surfaces. I like his work because of the way he lays it out and the use of colour and how much detail he includes. Looking at his work will probably help me explore colour and how it can be applied.

My second artist is James Jeans he's an illustrator based in Los Angeles. He works in three different styles, each just as effective. I really like his Chrome outline comic work. He doesn't limit his influences to just one subject so his work is very varied which i find interesting, so i think for my development i'll try and keep my style loose and fluid.

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