Monday 1 June 2015

Spray paint experiment

Spray paint experiment. 
For this experiment I played around with using stencils and stray paint, but also using acrylic paint to see if they could recreate the same effects. These techniques are how I created my graphic image. 

Method for the stencil.
•First you'll need to collect your equipment which will consist of a pencil, paper/card, craft knife and a cutting mat. 
•Next you'll need to draw out your design. For me this was a leopard in three stages of movement, leopard prints and bars around the leopards body.
•Once you've drawn your image using the cutting mat and craft knife start cutting out elements of the image that you want printed, make sure you work from the inside out. 
•Then once that's finished you can clean up your area and then you're ready for the next stage with is using spray paint. 

Spray paint method:
•First you'll need to collect your material which will be your stencil, spray paints, news paper, face mask, goggles, gloves,paper and blu tac.
•Now you're ready to start, first you stick down your stencil on to the paper using the blu tac, then either going outside or into a well ventilated room, shake your spray paint for at least 30 seconds, before using it. Make sure you're about 30cm away from the paper before spray painting. Don't forget to wear your protective  clothing before starting. And always put news paper underneath the paper to avoid getting the spray paint onto surfaces.
•Once that's done you can begin to spray paint. Making sure to cover all the areas but not getting too close to make the paint wet and run. 
•It dries fairly quickly so you can move onto other pieces. Try spray painting each piece. 
•If you find that the paint runs, spray the paint into a bowl and use a sponge to dab the paint on, this gives you the same effect. 
•The spray paint didn't work very well for the leopards body so I used acrylic paint to dab on the colour using the stencil. Also for the moment of the leopard I used the inverse stencil, the bit I cut out of the stencil to create a positive a negative piece. 
•Once you've finish your work clean up your area and wash the paint off. 

•Repeated exposure may skin dryness or cracking.
•The aerosol is flammable so be careful where you store it.
•Can cause eye irritation.
•Wear protective clothing like gloves, mask and eye protection.
•Use only in well ventilated areas or outside.
•Keep away from Sparks and open flames.

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