Friday 27 March 2015

Plaster hand development

For this experiment i decided to use clay as a mould and work onto a different surface.


  • clay
  • rolling pin
  • plaster
  • water
  • knife
  • sugar paper
  1. First thing you'll need to do is gather your equipment and then roll out a slab of clay on top of sugar paper, make sure its the thickness of a pound coin and big enough to make an impression of your hand. 
  2. Once its rolled out you'll need to make an impression by pressing your hand into the clay. Make sure the imprint is quite deep.
  3. Then you need to build up a wall around the clay using scrap pieces of clay. Make the wall about 10cm high, this ensures the plaster doesn't spill once its poured into the clay. 
  4. Next you need to mix up your plaster. The ratio is half the water to plaster. First you add a little water then you continuously sprinkle the plaster into the water until you get snowy peaks coming through the water.After that you can mix it together. Once thats done you can pour it into the mould and leave to set. 
  5. Wash up your bowl and clean up your area. 
  6. Once its set you take it out of the mould and put any clay with plaster on in the bin because its contaminated. 
  7. Then using sharpies begin to draw the main lines on the palm that represent paths such as heart line, life line etc. Once thats done you can draw on the corresponding symbols. Once thats done you can colour in the outer area. 
  8. Once its finished you can clean up your area and pack the equipment away. 

  • Plaster can be irritating to the eyes as well as skin but this is very unlikely to happen if its only brief contact.  To be safe you should always wash your hands after using plaster as well as avoid touching your face.
  • When the plaster is mixed with water it gradually becomes hot so avoid touching the mixture while its setting.
  • When making moulds always use a barrier around them to avoid spilling the plaster.  You should also be supervised to avoid any miss measurements or accidents.
  • When mixing the plaster or clearing away dry fragments wear eye protection to avoid getting any splinters in your eyes.
  • If anything gets in your eyes wash it out immediately using warm water.
  • When dealing with dry powder wear a protective mask to avoid inhaling.
  • Don't run with the knife and always clean up after yourself. 

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