Wednesday 12 November 2014

colour adjustments half term photo

Colour adjustment.

  1. First I selected the photo I wish to adjust. Then I chose to lay around with levels. To do this refer back to my previous post on photoshop. I adjusted the grey tones and white balance.

2. Then I created a duplicate layer, and going to the adjustment tool I changed it to monochrome, using the colour balance tool. I didn't adjust any other colour.

3. Next I revisited levels and changed them slightly to enhance the grey tone to bring out the mountain range.

4. Next I merged the layers together. If you've forgotten how to merge layers refer back to my previous post. I selected a soft merge because I didn't ant the monochrome to be too prominent.

5)Then i played around with layer masking, to select this tool go down to the bottom of the left hand side panel and select the square with the circle in. Basically masking layers allows you to remove elements of the top layer to show the later beneath. I chose to have the mask over my original adjusted photo.

6) Then using the painbrush tool I removed sections of the mountains to bring through the darker layer underneath. i left the clouds as they were because i liked the vibrant colour. I didn't use the mask on any other area because I just wanted the mountain to be in more focus.

7) I remerged the layers and this is the finished result.

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