Wednesday 11 May 2016

Final Major Project outcome

For my outcome I produced a mixed media piece hopefully showcasing nature and spiritual energy and how it's linked to the stars and planets. I went through different stages for the production of this piece. First came the blotting of the planets and the painting and then it was onto the patterning which took the longest. Overall I think it's successful in a way but also too simplistic in another as not a lot technique went into it so I'm unsatisfied in a sense. But I think it fits the brief in the way that I've experimented with the idea and developed and refined it before settling on a desired outcome.

                                          Finished final piece.

Portfolio and E-Portfolio

 I had to produce my e-portfolio quite early on due to university interviews, I also produced two e-portfolios as some universities required a different amount and different connect. So because of this I wasn't able to put any of my recent work in which was probably some of my best stuff. So it's a shame that I hadn't produced that work earlier so it could of been included in my portfolio. Even though I wasn't able to include some of my most recent work I'm still happy with my e-portfolio and some of the stuff on there like my photography work and prints of skulls. Some of it I wish wasn't like my poster as I don't think the quality of the work is up to the standard. But overall it was good for when I had to have it done for university. But now I'd definitely update it if I got the chance.

For my actual portfolio like my e-portfolio I had to have it produced early on for university interviews, but unlike my e-portfolio I was able to add work as I went along so the quality of it is a lot better. I'm really proud of my portfolio I think it showcases a wide range of skills and techniques. It's filled with a range of work but it also includes stuff I'm really proud of and some not so much like my poster and mono print stuff, but it's good to have in my portfolio as it showcases graphical and print techniques. Similar to my portfolio there is still stuff I want to include in my portfolio like my mono-print planet samples and stuff from my journeys project
Contact sheet of whats on my E-Portfolio.